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1261 - 1272 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

1261 - 1272 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

  • NANNEY family Nannau, Nannau'; he had a brother also, and executor of his will, who signs as 'Adam de Nannew.' Nor is there sufficient foundation for the story of Hywel Sele's treachery towards Owain Glyn Dŵr in 1402 - he was grandson to Meurig Fychan - so little indeed that Sir John E. Lloyd, the author of the standard work on the prince, never refers to Hywel at all. But certainly, the poet Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig Hen (c
  • NANNEY, DAVID ELLIS (1759 - 1819), attorney-general for North Wales Ellis-Nanney. Owen Jones was the father of Sir H. J. Ellis-Nanney, the unsuccessful opponent of D. Lloyd George in the Caernarvon boroughs at his first election (1890).
  • NANNEY, RICHARD (1691 - 1767), Evangelical cleric of David Ellis Nanney, the learned lawyer, ancestor to Sir HUGH J. ELLIS NANNEY of Gwynfryn by Llanystumdwy.
  • NASH, DAVID WILLIAM (d. 1876 or 7), antiquary and writer on early Welsh literature
  • NELSON, ROBERT (1656 - 1715), non-juror, supporter of the S.P.C.K., and philanthropist S.P.C.K., the S.P.G. Dr. Bray's library scheme, and the charity-school movement. He wrote at least a dozen religious books and pamphlets, including a life of George Bull (bishop of S. Davids from 1705 till 1710). He died 16 January 1714/5 in the house of his cousin, the daughter of Sir Gabriel Roberts, leaving large sums to various good causes.
  • NENNIUS (fl. c. A.D. 800), monk and antiquary study of the Arthurian Legend and early Celtic literature and learning in general. An English translation was published by A. W. Wade-Evans (1938); also text and translation by John Morris, Historia Brittonum and the Welsh Annals (1980). Important discussions by David N. Dumville are found in his Histories and Pseudo-Histories of the Insular Middle Ages (1990) and contrast P. J. C. Field in Studia
  • NEST (fl. 1120), princess of Deheubarth Daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr by Gwladus, daughter of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn. About 1100 she married Gerald of Pembroke; there were at least three sons of the union - William, Maurice, and David Fitz-Gerald - and a daughter, Angharad, wife of William of Manorbier and mother of Giraldus Cambrensis. Clearly a woman of great charm and beauty, she became the mistress of many lovers. Her romantic abduction
  • NEWELL, RICHARD (1785 - 1852), farmer and Calvinistic Methodist preacher Born at Allt-y-ffynnon, Aberhavesp, Montgomeryshire, 23 March 1785, son of Richard Newell, farmer, and Bridget his wife. In 1786 the family moved to Gwernfyda, Llanllugan, where Richard attended the school kept by the Rev. John Davies and David Davies. Afterwards (1786) they moved to Bryn, Llanwyddelan, where the father died in 1800. After this the son attended the school kept by his uncle, John
  • NEWTON, LILY (1893 - 1981), scientist Lily Newton was born in Pensford, Somerset, on 26 January 1893, the daughter of George Batten and his wife Melinda (née Casling). She was educated at Colston Girls' School in Bristol, where she was school captain. She studied Botany and Geology at Bristol University, having won the Vincent Stuckey Lean Scholarship, and graduated with first class honours in 1917. She stayed at Bristol to study for
  • NICHOLAS, JAMES (1877 - 1963), Baptist minister invitation to become the minister of Castle Street church, London. He was installed there on 26 October 1916 with David Lloyd George presiding at the service. The next years were in many senses a memorable period in the history of the church, e.g. renovating the chapel building in 1924, sponsoring churches in distress in the Rhondda valley from 1928 onward, establishing churches in suburbs like Dagenham in
  • NICHOLAS, JOHN MORGAN (1895 - 1963), musician ', dedicated to the tenor David Lloyd, with whom he made two records as accompanist, are excellent examples of his work. But he also wrote instrumental pieces, for instance for the cellist Ffrancon Thomas, and some of his works were in the repertoire of the celebrated oboist Léon Goossens. Two pieces for oboe and piano, 'Rhapsody' and 'Melody', were dedicated to the memory of his daughter, who was a
  • NICHOLAS, THOMAS (1816 - 1879), Congregational minister, theological college tutor, and historian , Carmarthen. In 1863 he settled in London, and thereafter, with the aid of Sir Hugh Owen, the first lord Aberdare, the Rev. David Thomas, Stockwell, and others, he promoted a scheme for the furtherance of higher education in Wales, Nicholas becoming secretary of the movement which led eventually to the founding of the first University College in Wales at Aberystwyth in 1872; before that came about, however