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1 - 12 of 251 for "ellis"

1 - 12 of 251 for "ellis"

  • ALEN, RHISIART ap RHISIART, author of 'Carol ymddiddan ag un marw ynghylch Purdan' author of this carol lived in that part of the country. His descriptions of the torments of those who loved overmuch the 'course of the world' (cwrs y byd) are very similar in their graphic style to those of Ellis Wynne.
  • BARRETT, JOHN HENRY (1913 - 1999), naturalist and conservationist Southwold, followed by Repton from 1927 to 1932, leaving to go to Cambridge to read zoology. He subsequently changed to economics and then geography. It was not until 1932 that he paid any attention in the natural world, but in that year he 'discovered' T. A. Coward's The Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs. Among those who influenced him was the great Norfolk naturalist Ted Ellis and Jim Vincent
  • CADWALADR, ELLIS (fl. 1707-40), poet
  • CEMLYN-JONES, Sir ELIAS WYNNE (1888 - 1966), public figure Shrewsbury School and in London. He became a barrister. In 1910-11 he and his aunt, his mother's sister, went on a journey round the world, the old 'grand tour', through the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, China, etc. From 1912-14 he was private secretary to Sir Ellis Jones Ellis-Griffith in the Home Office, and between 1914-18 he served with the Royal Welch Fusiliers. He was an unsuccessful Liberal
  • CHARLES, EDWARD (Siamas Gwynedd; 1757 - 1828), writer He was born at Clocaenog, Denbighshire - christened there 23 September 1757 - son of Edward (yeoman) and Margaret Charles. Hardly anything is known of his early life; it is said that he was schooled by David Ellis, curate of Derwen, and was afterwards apprenticed at Ruthin (Jenkins, Thomas Charles, ii, 390). In 1789 at latest he was working in a draper's shop in London. On 5 April 1790 he was
  • CONWAY family Botryddan, Bodrhyddan, Lleweni and Combermere abbey (see Cotton, Sir Stapleton). Penelope, daughter and co-heiress of Penelope, the eldest daughter, and Ellis Yonge of Acton and Bryn Iorcyn, married William Davies Shipley, dean of St Asaph. It may be of further interest to note that from Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Conway by his first wife, who married Sir Thomas Longueville, bart., was descended Harry Longueville Jones
  • DANIEL, DAVID ROBERT (1859 - 1931), publicist as an alderman of the Caernarvonshire county council. Subsequently he entered the Civil Service, served as secretary of the royal commission on coast erosion and, later, as assistant secretary to the Welsh Church Commissioners. He was an intimate friend of T. E. Ellis and took a prominent part in Welsh political life during the latter years of the 19th century. He also contributed various articles
  • DAVIES, BRYAN MARTIN (1933 - 2015), teacher and poet Siân were born. This area, on the border with England, was his home until his last few years, when he moved to Ystradowen in the Vale of Glamorgan to be closer to his family. In the Wrexham area, over the years, he enjoyed the company of cultured local Welsh speakers such as the poet Euros Bowen, and his neighbour in Ruabon, the former coal-mine manager and politician Tom Ellis. He was also one of
  • DAVIES, DEWI ALED EIRUG (1922 - 1997), Congregationalist minister and professor of theology of the annual publication of the Theology Section of the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales, Diwinyddiaeth, from 1978 to 1989, and a joint editor of the weekly paper of his denomination, Y Tyst, from 1975 to 1983. He published Arweiniad i Athrawiaeth Gristionogol (1969) and Hoff Ddysgedig Nyth: cyfraniad Coleg Presbyteraidd Caerfyrddin i Fywyd Cymru (1976). He was awarded the Ellis
  • DAVIES, ELLIS (1872 - 1962), priest and antiquarian Born 22 September 1872, son of Ellis Davies, a gardener at Nannerch, Flintshire, but the family soon moved to Llaniestyn, Caernarfonshire. He was educated at ysgol ramadeg Botwnnog, and in 1892 he gained an entrance exhibition to St. David's College, Lampeter, where he won prizes each year. After graduating in 1895 he was ordained and served as curate in Llansilin, and then in Old Colwyn and St
  • DAVIES, ELLIS THOMAS (1822 - 1895), Independent minister
  • DAVIES, ELLIS WILLIAM (1871 - 1939), solicitor and politician foreign policy. He died 29 April 1939. Ellis Davies worked hard and diligently in many spheres. His political activity was based on firm and single-minded radicalism. He had an alert and discerning mind, independent judgement and power of conviction. He read extensively and was endowed with a retentive memory. He contributed articles on politics, politicians and history to Welsh newspapers and