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241 - 252 of 476 for "court"

241 - 252 of 476 for "court"

  • LEWIS, DAVID (1520? - 1584), first principal of Jesus College, Oxford Monmouthshire; subsequently (1571-2), he was principal of Jesus College. From 1558 he was judge of the High Court of the Admiralty, and was active in connection with the various maritime cases that arose during Elizabeth I's reign. He also suggested means to improve the troubled state of parts of Wales. He died unmarried in London, 27 April 1584, and was buried (24 May) at Abergavenny, at the north end of the
  • LEWIS, Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL (1806 - 1863), statesman Palmerston's second administration (1859-65) he was successively home secretary and secretary of State for war. He died at Harpton Court on 13 April 1863, aged 56. His numerous writings are fully listed in D.N.B. Walter Bagehot spoke of his career as ' the most rapid political rise of our time.'
  • LEWIS, Syr GEORGE CORNEWALL (1806 - 1863), gwleidyddwr daeth ar unwaith yn ganghellor y trysorlys yng ngweinyddiaeth gyntaf Palmerston (1855-8). Yn ail weinyddiaeth Palmerston bu'n ysgrifennydd cartrefol ac wedyn yn ysgrifennydd rhyfel. Bu farw yn Harpton Court, 13 Ebrill 1863, yn 56 oed. Ceir rhestr o'i gyhoeddiadau niferus yn y D.N.B. ' The most rapid political rise of our time ' oedd disgrifiad Walter Bagehot o'i yrfa.
  • LEWIS, LEWIS (Lewsyn yr Heliwr, Lewsyn Shanco Lewis; 1793 - ?), haulier and revolutionary attack on the house of Joseph Coffin, the clerk to the Court of Requests, and in inciting the crowd to seize the arms of the soldiers of the 93rd (Highland) Regiment when outside the Castle Inn on the following day. After the riots he hid in the Penderyn district, but was caught on 7 June in the woods of Hendrebolon, Ystradfellte. He was condemned to death at the Cardiff assizes, by Mr. Justice
  • LEWIS, LEWIS (Lewsyn yr Heliwr, Lewys Shanco Lewis; 1793 - ?) bedyddiwyd 21 Mawrth 1793, mab Jenkin a Margaret Lewis, Blaencadlan, plwyf Penderyn, sir Frycheiniog, y tad yn gigydd. Halier oedd y mab - dyna'r rheswm dros ei alw 'yr Heliwr' - yn cludo glo o'r pyllau glo yn Llwydcoed i'r odynau calch ym Mhenderyn. Yn y cythrwfl ym Merthyr Tydfil, 1831, cymerodd ran flaenllaw (2 Mehefin) yn yr ymosodiad ar dŷ Joseph Coffin, clerc y ' Court of Requests '; bu
  • LEWIS, OWEN (1533 - 1594), bishop of Cassano, signaturae ' - an appointment which made him a man of considerable influence in the papal court. It is certain that Owen Lewis was one of those who induced Gregory to support Thomas Stukeley's raids on Ireland in 1578; he also played an important part in the establishment of the English College at Rome, and it was at his suggestion that Morys Clynnog was appointed warden. The troubles of that college's
  • LEWIS, RICHARD (Dic Penderyn; 1807/8 - 1831) 1841) a Morgan Howells ym mis Medi 1827. Nid oes sicrwydd pendant am symudiadau Dic Penderyn hyd y dechreuodd y terfysg ym Merthyr Tydfil yn 1831. Yr adeg honno yr oedd yn wr priod yn byw yn Merthyr - yn löwr wrth ei alwedigaeth. Dechreuodd y cythrwfl ar 2 Mehefin gydag ymosodiad ar dy Joseph Coffin, clerc y ' Court of Requests,' a distrywio ei ddodrefn (gweler o dan Lewis Lewis, ' Lewsyn yr Heliwr
  • LEWIS, RICHARD (Dic Penderyn; 1807/8 - 1831), miner and revolutionary martyr 1827, the Rev. Morgan Howells. There is no certain evidence of Dic Penderyn's movements until the outbreak of the Merthyr Tydfil riots of 1831. He was then a married man living at Merthyr, and was a miner by occupation. Rioting began on 2 June with an attack on the house of Joseph Coffin, clerk to the Court of Requests, and the destruction of his furniture (see Lewis Lewis, ' Lewsyn yr Heliwr
  • LEWIS, THOMAS ARNOLD (1893 - 1952), rheolwr cwmni yswiriant a thrysorydd Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion Ganwyd 20 Ebrill 1893, yn fab i'r Capten Thomas Lewis a'i briod Elizabeth (ganwyd Jones), Manor Hall, Aberaeron, Ceredigion. Addysgwyd ef yn yr ysgolion lleol ac Ysgol Ardwyn, Aberystwyth, cyn ymuno â chwmni yswiriant, a chodi i fod yn rheolwr cangen cwmni Alliance Assurance yn West End Llundain. Daeth yn aelod o'r Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Co. of Horners a derbyn rhyddfraint dinas
  • LEWIS, THOMAS ARNOLD (1893 - 1952), insurance manager, treasurer of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion Born 20 April 1893, son of Captain Thomas Lewis and Elizabeth (née Jones) his wife, Manor Hall, Aberaeron, Cardiganshire. He was educated locally and at Ardwyn School, Aberystwyth, before joining an insurance firm, eventually becoming insurance manager of a branch of the Alliance Assurance Co. in the West End of London. He was a member of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Co. of Horners
  • LEWIS, Syr THOMAS FRANKLAND (1780 - 1855), gwleidyddwr Ganwyd 14 Mai 1780 yn Llundain, yn fab John Lewis, Harpton Court, ac felly'n deillio o deulu o nod ym mywyd cyhoeddus a seneddol sir Faesyfed. Daeth yn aelod seneddol dros Fiwmares yn 1812, a bu'n cynrychioli'r fwrdeisdref honno, Ennis (swydd Clare yn Iwerddon), a sir Faesyfed yn olynol hyd 1834. Rhoddwyd iddo rai o'r swyddi lleiaf gan weinyddiaethau Torïaidd - yn eu plith swydd trysorydd y
  • LEWIS, Sir THOMAS FRANKLAND (1780 - 1855), politician Born 14 May 1780 in London, he was the son of John Lewis of Harpton Court, and came of a family of distinction in the public and parliamentary life of Radnorshire. He became M.P. for Beaumaris in 1812, and sat successively for that borough, for Ennis (County Clare, Ireland), and for Radnorshire until 1834. He was given minor offices in Tory administrations (including that of treasurer of the navy