Born 17 February 1871, second son of John Simon Tregoning of Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, and Sophia (née Morris, of Liverpool) his wife. He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, before becoming a tinplate manufacturer and director of John S. Tregoning Co. Ltd. (one of the first tinplate firms, in Llanelli), St. David's Tinplate Co., Bynea Steel Works Ltd., and other companies. He was a founder member and trustee of the Welsh Plate and Sheet Manufacturing Association, a member of the International Tinplate Association and of the National Food Canning Council before World War II. He devoted much of his time, gifts and money to the Church in Wales, being a member of the governing body and treasurer and chairman of St. David's Diocesan Board of Finance from 1923. He retired in 1950 as J.P. for over 36 years, having been an outstanding chairman of the Llanelli magistrates court for many years.
In October 1901 he married Nancy, daughter of J. Beavan Phillips, and they had four sons and two daughters. He lived at Portiscliff, Ferryside, St. Ishmael, Carmarthenshire, and died 9 March 1957.
Published date: 2001
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