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1 - 4 of 4 for "Vortigern"

1 - 4 of 4 for "Vortigern"

  • AMBROSIUS AURELIANUS (fl. ( c. 475)), British leader posterity, but of them Gildas had no good opinion, as can be readily believed, if his Aurelius Caninus was of their number. To Welsh tradition he became known as Emrys Wledig (Ruler), but confusion arose when he was identified with the Ambrosius of Nennius, the boy hero of the folk tale who confounded the magicians of Vortigern and gave his name to Dinas Emrys, near Beddgelert. Geoffrey of Monmouth treats
  • GILDAS (fl. 6th cent), monk possible, therefore, that he knew people who had witnessed the first laying waste of Britain by the Saxons in the time of Vortigern, the deliverance through Emrys, and the subsequent chequered period which ended in the bliss of the victory of Mount Badon and the long peace that was enjoyed when Gildas was in his youth. There are extant some observations by Gildas on Penance together with some other